
The Privacy Risks Of Moving

Even the most secure departments and organizations are vulnerable on move day. Normally you spend a lot of time and money keeping “strangers” out. But, during the chaos of move day, you invite them into your most secure departments and offices. You let them walk amongst sensitive clientele, confidential files and expensive equipment.

Governments continue to strengthen the privacy protection act and, along with it, your custodial responsibility for the safekeeping of personal data. Your duty under legislation, Standard 18. : “This includes protecting against privacy breaches resulting from theft, loss, unauthorized access, use, or disclosure, and unauthorized copying, modification, or disposal.” It is important to prevent privacy breaches by taking the steps that are available to you.

Many privacy breaches are “innocent.” For example, a mover finds himself disconnecting the technology at the workstation of his ex-wife. Curiosity gets the better of him and he notices a photo of her new boyfriend. Even if he didn’t look but your employee finds out that her ex-husband moved her personal items, there will be an issue. What if your clients are local sports celebrities? A mover snoops in the medical files for a home address, just because he is curious.

As a custodian, you have the personal responsibility for looking after that personal data. As you know there is an immense pressure to keep the price of the move down. However, if you save money, it will be forgotten in 6 months. But, if there is a privacy breach, it will be remembered forever. Another expensive mistake is to have free help on move day because they are untrained and unprepared.

One misplaced piece of paper with, for example, salary information could cause a harmonious team to unravel.